Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Animal School

      Hello! It's me. I was having trouble thinking of a theme for this week, but I realized that school would be perfect! If any of you are stressed out due to school or work, I hope this helps.

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ARGH! I can't believe the test is next week!

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Does this backpack make me look fat?

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I never thought I could say this without
sounding insane; nerdy hamster.

The squirrel looks kind of evil. It's rubbing it's hands 
together like it's taking over the world or something.

At least he's being honest.

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It's like that one librarian that always
looks like they're accusing you.

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Just a quick question- what do these
little symbols on the board mean?

      That's all for now. Yet again, all of these pictures are from Google Images. See you later!